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- Short: Web plugin for CED using URB
- Author: dwhiting@europa.com (Dick Whiting)
- Uploader: dwhiting@europa.com (Dick Whiting)
- Version: v1.0 requires CygnusEd and URB.
- Type: comm/www
- Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting
- Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee
- that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-)
- HOWEVER, if you do find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they would
- love a postcard from where EVER you live. My daughter just started Spanish
- lessons, so cards from Spanish speaking countries would especially be valued.
- Postcards: Dick Whiting
- 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd.
- Mulino, Oregon 97042
- Email: Dick Whiting <dwhiting@europa.com>
- Web : www.europa.com/~dwhiting/
- Description
- -----------
- This collection provides an HTML "builder" for CynusEd ©CygnusSoft Software,
- using the features provided by URB. It is highly and easily configurable to
- your tastes, preferences, and methods.
- At the click of a button:
- View the file being edited using IBrowse ©Omnipresence Intl.
- Import models (Main html, tables, etc.)
- Insert beginning and ending tags (same line, separate line options)
- Insert KEYWORD="" for any keywords of your choice
- Insert commonly used literals such as your email address.
- Insert filenames with correct relative pathing, IF your work environment
- matches your "production" directory structure.
- Separate URB configured to insert 100 color values, selected by color name.
- Separate URB configured to insert any of the Latin-1 codes, e.g. " "
- Locate the matching beginning or end tag currently under the cursor.
- Delete the value portion of a KEY=value pair
- Delete the entire KEY=value pair
- Delete the beginning and ending tags, i.e. <B>text</B> removes the <B> pair.
- Delete the entire block bounded by a pair of tags.
- Execute your most commond CED commands.
- Miscellaneous additional scripts included.
- Add, modify, rearrange, or remove any quite easily using the standard URB
- configuration drag&drop features.
- Requirements
- ------------
- CygnusEd 3.5 or 4.x Copyright © 1987-1998 CygnusSoft Software.
- URB available on Aminet as URB.lha in util/misc.
- The view and other functions are currently setup for IBrowse1.22, but could
- be easily modified for other browsers assuming the Arexx commands are available.
- The script GetPicSize uses Visage - By Magnus Holmgren available on Aminet.
- Colors/ - directory with some *.html color tables.
- Grabs/ - directory with some screen grabs of UCW.
- Models/ - directory for models i.e. HTML page, Table, etc.
- ReadMe - comments and requirements for UrbCedWWW
- Rexx/ - directory containing the Arexx scripts for CED4.x.
- Rexx35/ - directory containing the Arexx scripts for CED3.5.
- Text/ - text files that were used to create the URBs.
- UCW.cfg - URB configuration for main tool bar.
- UCWCOLORS.cfg - URB configuration for color values tool bar.
- UCWLATIN1.cfg - URB configuration for Latin-1 values tool bar.
- Installation
- ------------
- This looks a lot worse than it really is:)
- URB related:
- 1. Unarchive directory to where you want to put it.
- 2. Start UrbConfig from your URB directory.
- 3. Select "Import Model" from the "Special" menu
- 4. Choose the "UCW.cfg" from the directory in step 1.
- 5. Select "Create New URB" from the "Special" menu
- 6. Name the new URB "UCW" and use the directory from step 1.
- 7. Click "OK" to create it and update the config with your pathing.
- 8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 using "UCWCOLORS.cfg" and "UCWCOLORS" for name.
- 9. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for "UCWLATIN1.cfg" and "UCWLATIN1" for name.
- CED related:
- 1. Choose submenu "Install Dos/Arexx command" from "Dos/Arexx Interface" of the
- "Special" menu.
- 2. Enter a number (corresponds to the function keys) in the requester.
- 3. Enter "C:wbrun xxx:UrbCedWWW/UCW" (without quote marks) checking that:
- a) WBrun is in your C: directory
- b) xxx/UrbCedWWW is the directory from URB step 1.
- 4. Select "OK"
- 5. Select submenu "Save DOS/Arexx commands" from "Dos/Arexx Interface" of the
- "Special" menu.
- 6. If you run CED on its own screen, choose:
- a) "Make screen public" from the "Rendering Choices" of the "Global" menu.
- b) "Save Environment" from the "Global" menu and save as the default.
- 7. Press the function key specified in step 2 -- the main toolbar should appear.
- If you have CED on a separate screen, look for UCW on the WorkBench screen.
- You will probably have to open the MUI prefs for UCW and tell it to appear
- on the CED screen, using the "System" page. Select "Save" and UCW should
- move to the CED screen.
- 8. Press the button labeled "COLORS" and the colors toolbar will appear.
- Repeat the MUI changes as necessary.
- 9. Press the button labeled "LATIN1" and repeat as in step 8.
- 10. Configure each URB using MUI and UrbConfig to get the layouts that you want.
- 11. See the screen grabs of mine for placement and sizing ideas.
- Arexx related:
- 1. IF you have CED3.5:
- a) Rename or delete the "Rexx" directory.
- b) Rename the directory "Rexx35" to "Rexx".
- 2. IF you have CED4.x then just delete the Rexx35 directory.
- There is one script that needs updating for the correct path to IBrowse.
- 1. Open UrbCedWWW/Rexx/Main.ucwx in CED.
- 2. Search for "runbr="
- 3. Change the path TEMP:IBROWSE/IBROWSE to match your system.
- 4. Save it.
- There is one script that needs updating for the correct path to Visage.
- 1. Open UrbCedWWW/Rexx/GetPicSize.ucwx in CED.
- 2. Search for viewer='UTILS:VISAGE %f INFO'
- 3. Change the path UTILS:VISAGE to match your system.
- 4. Change the line ENABLED=0 to ENABLED=1
- 5. Save it.
- Congratulations:)
- Beyond the initial install, you can tailor the toolbars however you wish using
- UrbConfig to add, delete, rearrange, etc. the buttons. Create models of HTML
- code that fit your needs and place them in UrbCedWWW/Models and add buttons to
- select them. Have fun.
- What are those scripts?
- -----------------------
- Note: The VIEW script does a SAVE prior to viewing the file in IBrowse. If you
- don't want your original overlayed, copy it to a different name prior to using
- UrbCedWWW. Good practice to have backups, anyway:)
- Note: All the scripts that insert text into a file turn "Insert Mode" on prior
- to doing the inserts. They position the cursor in an appropriate place ready
- for you to type still in insert mode on exiting.
- Note: All scripts that delete text use the "CUT" command. This means that you
- can use "UNDO" to reverse any action. You can also use "PASTE" to insert what
- was cut somewhere else.
- BldMap.ucwx
- -------------
- This one requires that GetPicSize.ucwx be enabled. See above for how to do
- that. It builds the statements necessary for a client-side image map. You
- are asked for the filename to use as the image, how many areas to define,
- whether they are arranged Horizontally or Vertically, and whether to use
- Rectangles or Cirles. It works very well for the typical navigation bar.
- If you need to define asymmetrical areas or polygons, then this is not the
- tool for that chore.
- CloseUCW.ucwx
- -------------
- Quits all the UCW toolbars.
- DelBlock.ucwx
- -------------
- Place the cursor within a tag. All text bounded by the beginning and ending
- tags will be removed. Example: <B>This is some text</B> removes the tags
- AND removes the text between them. Whole paragraphs, tables, etc. can be
- deleted easily this way.
- HINT: To change <B>This is some text</B> to <I>This is some text</I>
- requires a few quick mouse clicks:
- 1. Place cursor inside <B>
- 2. Click "DelBlock"
- 3. Click "<I>" on the toolbar
- 4. Click "Paste"
- 5. Place cursor inside <B>
- 6. Click "DelTag"
- This is a trivial example, but can be useful with larger chunks of text
- and/or longer tags.
- DelKV.ucwx
- ----------
- Place the cursor within the KEYWORD part of a KEYWORD=VALUE pair.
- Deletes the entire pair.
- DelTag.ucwx
- -----------
- Place the cursor within a tag. The beginning and ending, if present, tag
- will be removed. Other tags, text, etc. not included within the tag itself
- will remain. Example: <B>This is some text</B> removes JUST the <B> and </B>
- NOT the "This is some text."
- DelVal.ucwx
- -----------
- Place the cursor within the VALUE part of a KEYWORD=VALUE pair.
- Deletes ONLY the value part.
- GetColor.ucwx
- -------------
- Inserts color code from table produced by BldColorTable.ucwx. See below.
- GetModel.ucwx modelname/A
- -------------------------
- Inserts the model specified into the current file at the cursor position.
- Store your models in the Model directory as xxxxx.model and call the script
- with an argument of xxxxxx.
- GetPicSize.ucwx
- ---------------
- Inserts WIDTH="xxx" and HEIGHT="xxx" for a picture. This requires Visage
- by Magnus Holmgren. To use it, place the cursor in a blank where you wish
- the values to be inserted. Invoke the script and the sizes for the file
- on the previous SRC= statement will be inserted.
- Indent.ucwx amount/A/N
- ----------------------
- Indents the selected block of text by 'amount' spaces. Includes the line
- that the cursor is on. Default amount is 3 if not specified.
- Insert.ucwx string/A
- --------------------
- Inserts the text specified on the argument. One level of quoting is removed
- allowing you to use quote marks and apostrophes within a string.
- MatchTag.ucwx
- -------------
- Place the cursor inside the beginning or ending tag. The cursor will jump to
- the corresponding tag. Repeat and watch it bounce back and forth.
- Put.ucwx string/A
- -----------------
- Inserts the characters specified as the argument of the script at the cursor
- position. If the first character of the argument is "<" then the text is
- just inserted, otherwise a space is inserted if necessary before the string.
- One level of quoting is removed from the string.
- QueryIB.ucwx [TITLE | URL]
- -------------
- Inserts the title from the current page displayed in IBrowse or
- inserts the URL from the current page displayed in IBrowse.
- And NOW for the BIG one:
- Main.ucwx type/A [string]
- ------------------------
- type=1 inserts the second argument as <ARGUMENT></ARGUMENT> on a single line.
- The cursor is positioned betweent the tags.
- type=2 does the same, but places the beginning tag on one line and the ending
- tag on a second line, with a blank line between them. The cursor is
- placed on the blank line.
- type=Q inserts the string with two quote marks appended to the end.
- Example: Q COLOR= inserts COLOR=""
- The cursor is placed between the two quote marks.
- type=VIEW without a second argument attempts to start IBrowse with the
- current file loaded or reloaded as necessary. You must save the file
- before you can view it.
- type=VIEW with a second value (or using URB's %f) attempts to view that file
- using IBrowse.
- type=SRC uses the second argument to create <xxx SRC=""> type tags.
- For xxx=IMG an ALT="" keyword is also inserted.
- If the GetPicSize script has been correctly modified for your system,
- then the WIDTH=nnn and HEIGHT=nnn values are also inserted.
- A requester opens to select a file to place in the SRC= value.
- type=FILE opens a requester for selecting a filename.
- type=HREF without a second argument inserts: <A HREF=""></A>
- with second argument of:
- FILE opens a requester for a file name and inserts the appropriate line.
- HTTP inserts: <A HREF="http://"></A>
- NAME inserts: <A NAME=""></A>
- #REF inserts: <A HREF="#"></A>
- MAIL inserts: <A HREF="mailto:?subject="></A>
- FTP inserts: <A HREF="ftp://"></A>
- In each case the cursor is positioned in the first place needing text
- entered, e.g. the email address for mailto:
- type=COMMENT inserts: <!-- -->
- type=DOC32 inserts a HTML 3.2 comment line.
- Extra scripts:
- BldColors.ucwx
- --------------
- This one generates an HTML table of colors. To use it, construct a file
- with one 6 digit hex color code as the last word on each line. You can
- have whatever preceding the code as you wish. Open the file in CED and
- start the script. The file is edited into a table that can be included
- in a standard HTML layout. Save it somewhere and QUIT to keep your
- original file.
- BldColorTable.ucwx colorcode filename [shade [ur ug ub [lr lg lb]]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Generates an HTML page with a table of colors. A couple examples of the
- output produced are in the Colors directory. Basically, you specify the
- 6 digit hex color code for a color to appear in the center of the table.
- Varying intensities of that color are displayed across that row, with the
- amount to vary them controllable from the script. The colors are varied
- upward from your original by a factor, such as making each row above the
- center one redder. Similar control is specified for rows below the central
- one. The end result is a 9x9 grid of related colors, with their hex value
- codes showing as links. Copy the "url" to the clipboard and use the
- GetColor.ucwx script to paste it into your html. See the script comments
- for more information on how it works.
- To run it, open a CLI, change directory to where the script is located.
- Leave it in the same directory tree as the distribution. Then do:
- rx BldColorTable.ucwx colorcode filename [other arguments]
- The table is saved in the UrbCedWWW/Colors directory.
- Future
- ------
- If you have any suggestions, please email me. Also, if you create what you consider
- the ideal configuration for these, I'd be interested in receiving the config files.
- Dick Whiting
- September 23, 1998
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 5828 1062 81.7% 26-Sep-98 01:40:22 +bluegreen.html
- 7180 1479 79.4% 24-Sep-98 01:28:20 +Colors_random.html
- 5828 1098 81.1% 24-Sep-98 01:28:02 +lavenders.html
- 5828 1201 79.3% 24-Sep-98 01:28:32 +olives.html
- 628 251 60.0% 23-Sep-98 02:43:26 +Grabs.info
- 15891 15891 0.0% 24-Sep-98 01:05:48 +UCW.closed.gif
- 22031 22031 0.0% 24-Sep-98 01:06:20 +UCW.open.gif
- 628 246 60.8% 15-Sep-98 17:41:54 +Colors.info
- 24 24 0.0% 23-Sep-98 22:07:34 +font.model
- 227 116 48.8% 24-Sep-98 01:00:04 +form.model
- 564 213 62.2% 24-Sep-98 00:51:48 +frame.model
- 497 298 40.0% 15-Sep-98 17:45:04 +html.model
- 290 130 55.1% 24-Sep-98 00:38:38 +map.model
- 163 91 44.1% 24-Sep-98 01:00:44 +table.model
- 14305 5642 60.5% 29-Sep-98 20:52:04 +ReadMe
- 628 253 59.7% 14-Sep-98 23:08:20 +Models.info
- 734 449 38.8% 24-Sep-98 01:28:54 +colortable.model
- 8623 2368 72.5% 02-Oct-98 00:56:58 +BldColorTable.ucwx
- 1091 367 66.3% 29-Sep-98 23:41:24 +Insert.ucwx
- 10214 2543 75.1% 29-Sep-98 23:41:32 +Main.ucwx
- 1485 463 68.8% 29-Sep-98 23:41:40 +MatchTag.ucwx
- 1055 359 65.9% 29-Sep-98 23:42:00 +QueryIB.ucwx
- 951 252 73.5% 29-Sep-98 23:39:52 +CloseUCW.ucwx
- 2301 636 72.3% 29-Sep-98 23:45:18 +DelBlock.ucwx
- 1974 622 68.4% 29-Sep-98 23:40:32 +DelVal.ucwx
- 1382 442 68.0% 29-Sep-98 23:40:38 +GetColor.ucwx
- 1031 364 64.6% 29-Sep-98 23:40:46 +GetModel.ucwx
- 1243 450 63.7% 29-Sep-98 23:41:16 +Indent.ucwx
- 1315 455 65.3% 29-Sep-98 23:41:52 +Put.ucwx
- 628 254 59.5% 24-Sep-98 01:17:34 +Rexx.info
- 1712 624 63.5% 29-Sep-98 23:39:20 +BldColors.ucwx
- 3690 1205 67.3% 29-Sep-98 23:39:44 +BldMap.ucwx
- 2268 641 71.7% 29-Sep-98 23:40:12 +DelKV.ucwx
- 2080 581 72.0% 29-Sep-98 23:40:22 +DelTag.ucwx
- 3510 1199 65.8% 29-Sep-98 23:52:14 +GetPicSize.ucwx
- 14354 2624 81.7% 23-Sep-98 17:51:54 +UCWCOLORS.cfg
- 10990 1599 85.4% 23-Sep-98 17:52:22 +UCWLATIN1.cfg
- 8615 2358 72.6% 02-Oct-98 00:58:38 +BldColorTable.ucwx
- 2456 662 73.0% 29-Sep-98 23:43:26 +DelBlock.ucwx
- 1245 451 63.7% 29-Sep-98 23:44:28 +Indent.ucwx
- 10233 2555 75.0% 29-Sep-98 23:44:44 +Main.ucwx
- 628 253 59.7% 22-Sep-98 22:53:36 +Text.info
- 1443 760 47.3% 20-Sep-98 19:34:06 +literals.txt
- 3282 1444 56.0% 25-Sep-98 19:26:46 +rgb.txt
- 9791 2590 73.5% 29-Sep-98 22:24:50 +UCW.cfg
- 1701 620 63.5% 29-Sep-98 23:42:34 +BldColors.ucwx
- 951 252 73.5% 29-Sep-98 23:42:58 +CloseUCW.ucwx
- 1384 444 67.9% 29-Sep-98 23:44:02 +GetColor.ucwx
- 1033 367 64.4% 29-Sep-98 23:44:10 +GetModel.ucwx
- 1093 366 66.5% 29-Sep-98 23:44:34 +Insert.ucwx
- 1631 513 68.5% 29-Sep-98 23:44:50 +MatchTag.ucwx
- 1057 361 65.8% 29-Sep-98 23:45:04 +QueryIB.ucwx
- 628 251 60.0% 29-Sep-98 20:42:18 UrbCedWWW.info
- 628 253 59.7% 29-Sep-98 23:28:16 +Rexx35.info
- 3692 1207 67.3% 29-Sep-98 23:42:48 +BldMap.ucwx
- 2419 660 72.7% 29-Sep-98 23:43:36 +DelKV.ucwx
- 2235 612 72.6% 29-Sep-98 23:43:48 +DelTag.ucwx
- 2148 647 69.8% 29-Sep-98 23:43:54 +DelVal.ucwx
- 3514 1202 65.7% 29-Sep-98 23:52:30 +GetPicSize.ucwx
- 1317 456 65.3% 29-Sep-98 23:44:56 +Put.ucwx
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 216295 87807 59.4% 21-Oct-98 04:16:40 60 files